about me and the site
About Myself
Name: Kannan Nambiar
Gender: Male
Age: Above 60
Birthday: February
Status: Married
Hometown: West Chester, OH
Education: PhD
School: U of Pa
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics
Occupation: Educator
The Story of My Experiments with Truth, The Principles of Mathematics, Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning. These books respectively are about Ultimate Reality, Visualizable Reality, and Visible Reality. The respective authors are given below.
Writers: Mahatma Gandhi, Bertrand Russell, George Polya
I am prepared to die, but there is  no cause for which I am prepared to kill.
--Gandhi to his fellow patriots
You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind,
--Gandhi to his tormentors
Travel Priorities:
China, Africa, Greece
Ecstasy of Communication is only next to Discovery
What is the greatest achievement of our civilization? In my opinion, it is undoubtedly the linguistic ability that we have developed over the years. Here I take linguistics in its broadest sense, and consider mathematical derivations and set theory as part of it.
A spectacular example of clever use of symbols is provided by the four equations of Maxwell. Looking at his equations, without stirring out of his room, he said there should be electromagnetic radiation, and sure enough there was. Science is replete with similar examples like the prediction of bending of light rays and the existence of elementary particles.
It is as though Nature dances faithfully to the musical composition we write on paper, so long as the composition conform strictly to mathematical logic. Some scientists are so impressed by this fact that they consider the Big Bang and the Big Crunch as nothing but the cosmic dance of The Creator.
What we are talking about here is what is generally understood as physics, mathematics and metamathematics. I consider these as the rational study of visible, visualizable, and ultimate Reality, respectively.
The most interesting problem I know in metamathematics is called Continuum Hypothesis, an issue which has occupied the minds of logicians for more than a century. Loosely speaking, continuum hypothesis is an educated guess about the continuity and extent of the physical space around us. The most challenging unsolved problem I know in mathematics is called Riemann Hypothesis, which states that an elegantly defined analytic function called Riemann Zeta Function has all its complex zeroes on a vertical line in the complex plane.
Both these hypotheses we will discuss in this site with the hope that any well-motivated novice would be able to recognize the serious issues involved here and contribute towards the resolution of the problems. We will touch upon some other mathematical problems also, including the ones which have assumed importance because of the Internet.