Monday, November 12, 2007
Electrical Equivalent of Riemann Hypothesis
In August 1859, a 32-year-old, timid, bashful, sensitive, diffident soul, with a horror for speaking in public, was presenting a paper to the Berlin Academy about the density of prime numbers on the real line. The brilliant mathematician giving the historic lecture was Bernhard Riemann, and in the course of the talk he made an incidental remark, which to this day has remained an enigma, known as the Riemann hypothesis (RH). The hypothesis simply states that Riemann zeta function, an elegantly
Monday, November 12, 2007
Geometrical Euivalents of Goldbach Conjecture
There are conjectures and conjectures, here is one of my own, making use of Ackermann functions. The definition of these functions is given by the equations
A(0,n)= mn; A(k,1)= m; A(k,n)=A[k-1,A(k,n-1)].
If we take m=2, we get A(3,4)=2^2^2^...2^2^2, with 65536 two's in it. To get the enormity of this number, compare it with 136x(2^256), the number of electrons in the universe as given by Arthur Eddington. The point we want to make is that A(3,n) grows unimaginably fast with respect to n.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Generalized Pythagoras Theorem
For me, the easiest way to remember a definition is to keep in mind a typical illustration of the same. For example, Euclid's algorithm gives me all the properties I need to remember about algorithms, including the finite termination requirement.
When it comes to theorems, I consider Pythagoras theorem as a perfect illustration. Each one of the many proofs available today exemplifies the myriad ways in which a mind reaches its rational conclusions and it is no exaggeration to say that
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Theory of Search Engines
It was not too long ago that I was concerned about how I would carry all my books to continue my research after retirement. Today, because of the advent of the Internet the problem no longer exists, and the main reason for that is the development of the theory of search engines on the Internet. With the imminent availability of a computer for every child, it looks as though any child should be in a position to shake up the world, if he so desires.
Here we might as well mention a serious
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Fractional Voting System: a scheme to circumvent Arrow's Paradox
This might look strange, but the largest democracy, India, and the richest democracy, United States, both currently have flawed presidential election systems, and both these systems can elect the wrong president under certain circumstances against the will of its people. The basic difficulty in devising a proper election scheme is what is known as Arrow's Paradox, and the Fractional Voting System (FVS) that we are proposing here is meant to circumvent this paradox.
To make the problem a